History of Small Businesses Do It Better
Small Businesses Do It Better had a soft launch in 2011 as a blog and was soon followed by its new platform, a live weekly video podcast. Carissa, host of the show, interviewed small business owners, entrepreneurs, industry experts and some of the most memorable entrepreneurs from Shark Tank, including her favorite “shark”, Barbara Corcoran.
In 2013 the Small Businesses Do It Better Show quickly moved up the charts and ranked as the #2 Marketing and Management Video Podcast in iTunes.
After 66 regular live episodes, handfuls of product feature and special tip videos, Carissa retired the video component to the brand. The blog component continues to thrive in popularity and receives an overwhelming number of author requests for guest articles. Watch past episodes
Small Businesses Do It Better was a winner in StartupNation’s 2012 Home-Based 100, and has been highlighted on MSN Money, in the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Huffington Post, GeekWire, BizSugar, Business2Community, StartupNation, The Shark Tank Blog, Quirky, Edison Awards, Barbara Corcoran’s Facebook page, Mark Cuban’s Twitter feed, and various other websites.
About the Founder
Carissa is passionate about supporting small businesses, providing valuable resources and sharing her knowledge about entrepreneurship. After college Carissa began working in Advertising at an internet startup company where she helped manage a high revenue and fast growing online affiliate program. Carissa has since consulted with small business CEO’s, CFO’s, Operations Managers, Accountants, Marketing Directors, and such, and has gained extremely valuable insights on how small businesses are run.
Carissa has been quoted on the Shark Tank Blog, Business to Community website, CEO Blog Nation, has been published on InTheSharkTank.com and SharkTankBlog.com and interviewed on the Small Business Chamber of Commerce’s “The Startup Show” and the “Entrepreneur’s Money Podcast”.