Build a Web Presence for Your Business

So there’s this really great tool for building a web presence for your business that I have to share. Not only does it help market your website in many ways, but it’s so easy to use that you won’t need to hire anyone to do it for you.

Naturally, this tool is call Web Presence Builder, and it covers all of the bases in getting your website found online. Here are some of the features:

  • Mirror the website you just built onto your Facebook page
  • Easy Google Analytics integration
  • Blogging module
  • Drag and Drop social sharing module
  • Online store and shopping cart
  • Upload custom favicon easily
  • Simple SEO page keyword entry
  • One click to publish

I can’t stress at how easy the Web Presence Builder is to use and navigate. In my experience, nearly all of these features in any other platform are in multiple areas of your control panel, require coding or adding plug-ins, FTP access, or have other technical needs. With WPB everything is in one place and doing all of these things is made very simple.

Try it out using a free demo and see for yourself!

Full article: Create a BIG Website on a Small Budget
Image courtesy: Jerry Bunkers
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