J Newell Media Small Business Profile

J. Newell Media

Owner/Founder: Jessica Newell
Website: http://meetjessicanewell.info
Twitter @JessicaLNewell

Q. Tell us about the evolution of J Newell Media. Where did you start in growing your business and how did the company that we see today come to be?

Last January after quitting a holiday job that could’ve lasted longer but ended up causing major stress to my health, I decided to start selling Creative Memories.  My mom has been a scrapper for years and since she had a ton of their products I thought it would be a great fit for me at the time and I wanted to start my first professional blog along with it.  After getting started I reached out to those in the blogging world and to make a long story short I realized that I had larger dreams that I could achieve online and working with Creative Memories was a bit too confining for me. (but I still love their products!)
After testing some things out over the summer I settled on founding J Newell Media in August and got my tax-ID number.  That was a huge step.

Q. How many employees do you have and how did you come about finding them?

Right now its just me.  Conceptual Solopreneuress.  Down the road a bit I’m hoping to hire a Virtual Assistant and also an Intern.  But I’m realizing that a web-master might be needed rather quickly…

Q. Who are your clients and why do they use you?

For the most part my clients fall into 3 categories:  my peers – fellow YFE’s looking for inspiration on how to incorporate more visual elements into their web presence, seasoned creative entrepreneurs seeking out a stronger connection with the Millenniel mindset, and traditional local business owners- searching for innovative ways to use the softer side of social media.

Q. How do you choose what services to market?

Right now I’m using my blog as a ‘Get to Know Me’ type of free service to really build up a strong presence before offering up targeted services & products.  To support this stage of development I am partnering with affiliates (like Ovaleye) that I truly stand behind and use on a regular basis.  Going about it this way really helps me to see what the market is looking for and come up with ways to apply my skillset to their needs.

Q. What are some of the out-of-the box ways you market your business?

You won’t find a site entitled ‘J Newell Media’ anywhere online (yet).  The company is primarily an umbrella for all of the projects I will create which will have completely different branding.  I didn’t want to pigeonhole the company into a specific look, so I decided to use my personal brand to market my work until I’m really ready to create the overall ‘J Newell Media’ image.  I haven’t seen this done before entirely, and I’m excited to see how people respond to this.

Q. What advice would you give to someone looking at or just getting into your industry?

Know yourself.  That would be first… you really can’t signup for any kind of coaching program or course, or degree for that matter, until you really know what your desires, skills, and personality are.  Then you figure out who you make a good fit serving as far as your market is concerned.  Once you do these two things the services and products that you are the best to offer and your market is in most need of will reveal themselves.  The hardest work is getting to know yourself, the next hardest is knowing the marketplace.  The rest is all pretty easy to learn :)

Q. Where do you see J Newell Media in 5 years?

This is a good one, and one I hated lying about in job interviews ;)  But I honestly can only see about 3 years ahead at this point.  In 3 years I see myself in full swing of managing the business.  One of my projects, focused on encouraging all sorts of  SOHO entrepreneurs with kids to make time to dance everyday together, will have a widely known online presence.  And finally I will have employees carrying most of the workload so that I can focus on the creative aspects of the business.

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  1. Jessica – I just did the same thing (quit my day job to focus on my blog and photography business) and I can only hope to follow the kind of success you’re having. It’s comforting to find someone else who is doing this and has the kind of confidence that you do. Striking out on your own is a big risk that takes a lot of courage, so I wish you the best of luck! Sounds like you have a wonderful thing started! I’m a fan – Congratulations :)


  2. Thank you so much for your support Heather! I agree – it is really great to find others out there who have a similar vision. I’ve found that most times playing it safe is one of the greatest risks we can take, so that’s what keeps me going. Good luck with everything you do and remember that success is truly in the eye of the beholder.

    Just keep putting yourself out there and keep giving through your work. Everything else will fall into place! So excited to see what you are up to :)

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