The most recent episode of Shark Tank had an entrepreneur pitching caffeinated waffles. I was instantly intrigued. Little did I know, this small business, Wired Waffles, was not too far from where I live – so we met for an interview. I sat down and chatted with the owners, Roger and Amy Sullivan, phenomenal people. The Sullivan’s have been in the coffee business for about 15 years, they are most certainly caffeine experts and on their game.
The waffles have 200mg of caffeine, about the equivalent of a 20 oz. cup of coffee, and contain natural caffeine extracts. They contain no herbs, vitamins, or other stimulants – which are often found in energy drinks. Each waffle has 200 calories, which, in comparison is on the low end of the caloric scale for a grab and go breakfast snack. They are nicely packaged, so you can just grab it and go and quickly and cleanly devour it. They’ve got a good variety of flavors including sweet sugar, cinnamon, chocolate chip and bacon maple. Do you put syrup on your waffles? Got that too, check out Wired Wyatt’s Caffeinated Maple Syrup.
So, what have they been up to? On the show they said they were working with a broker to get their products distributed. They are currently working with several brokers across the country -nice. Roger did mention that their waffles have been in supermarkets in their area and quickly sell out. We have yet to see the full “Shark Tank Effect” since the show aired a few days ago, but I will be following up with them in a few months to see how business is. Oh, and another plus, all of Wired Wyatt’s products are made in the United States!
Certainly not dry, like the Sharks said. Roger said the Sharks waffles came across dry because he heated the waffles up prior to entering the shark tank. While waiting to be interviewed, the waffles had gone back to room temperature, causing them to get a little dryer. He was trying to be nice by heating them up and serve them at their recommended “best served warm”. Microwaved for about 30 seconds will do the trick.
I conducted a quick poll on which flavor sounded best (vote here) and tested out the least popular flavor.
Watch my findings:
Get your waffles and syrup at WiredWaffles.com, like ’em on Facebook and be sure to watch the Small Businesses Do It Better Show this Tuesday at 7p/10e where I’ll talk about the waffles, live!
BTW, you got me hooked on these waffles, Carissa. Dang they are good!!
Hooked is good!