Happy New Year!
2013 is sure to be a great year with so many thriving small businesses and entrepreneurs who are grabbing the bull by the horns and taking charge!
I asked my social media followers what their small business new year’s resolutions are and you all responded with some great resolutions!
[<a href=”//storify.com/smbizdoitbetter/small-business-2013-new-year-s-resolutions” target=”_blank”>View the story “Small Business 2013 New Year’s Resolutions” on Storify</a>]<br /> <h1>Small Business 2013 New Year’s Resolutions</h1> <h2></h2> <p>Storified by <a href=”http://storify.com/smbizdoitbetter”>Sm Biz Do It Better</a>· Mon, Dec 31 2012 13:35:28</p> <div>My 2013 business goal is to get up to $5,000 in profits :) I think I run around $1,000 right now, for comparison. #sbdibCorey Freeman</div> <div>@smbizdoitbetter Not a resolution but a guarantee: Increase sales for @slawsa by no less than 250% over 2012 #sbdib #noexcusesJulie Busha</div> <div>My Small Business New Year’s Resolution is to create a social media marketing and blogging schedule AND stick to it!Andrea Graves-Boring</div> <div>"My new Year’s Resolution" I have designed a new line of greeting cards for children and adults. My greeting cards deals with "Bullying". Now i am ready to sell them to the public.Josephine Scott</div> <div>@smbizdoitbetter helping other small businesses keep in touch with their customers #sbdibSincerely Yours</div> <div>@CaffeineKeybord I do :) My resolution is to take over the world!!! okay, j/k, mine is to sell at least half of my new line (2 wks old!)White-o-Coccoli</div> <div>@smbizdoitbetter @lewis_usa our New Years resolution is our 2013 campaign Back To The Basics!Lewis</div> <div>@smbizdoitbetter My resolution for the New Year is to lean into my support networks. I don’t need to figure it out or do it on my own :)activate28 (Erin)</div> <div>@smbizdoitbetter NY Resolutions = Roll out NEW website services to offer current and new clients & BLOG more #sbdibAnn Marie Gill</div> <div>To take my company’s mission to the next level, and working towards women Empowerment! Vlogging, public speaking – getting the word out and co-creating projects with other entrepreneurs:)))Lynn Higgin</div> <div>My goal is not to just increase my income but to decrease my OUTcome. Looking back over my small business finances for 2012 I realized that I was so focused on what came in but I should have been more aware of what went out…2013=lowering overhead, saving, and networking/bartering!TiOKé Staffing</div> <div>Our (Amadeusz Topka&Faisal Afzal) Company’s New Year Resolution is to start on changing the current Car Freshener market and expand it towards new heights by providing a product which includes style and fine fragrance whether you are driving in a sedan…See MoreFaisal Afzal</div> <div>“@smbizdoitbetter: What is your businesses New Year’s Resolution? Tweet using #sbdib and get featured in an upcoming blog post!”>> #InspireGood Boy Roy®</div> <div>@smbizdoitbetter #sbdib Bad Kat is planning to only do it bigger and better in 2013!! No resting on laurels.THE BAD KAT</div> <div>@smbizdoitbetter To better serve our local businesses and communities and help them accrue more exposure, customers. #sbdibSuburban Deals, Inc.</div> <div>#sbdib Delegate and OrganizePam McCall</div>
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