Tips on Developing a Promotional Strategy

When you have a business or a brand that you want to grow, doing so is possible by implementing the proper marketing and promotional strategies. Using a well-designed promotional strategy will increase your credibility and reputation while also giving you the chance to generate more revenue regardless of the products or services you are selling.

Review Your Brand

Before you can launch a new and improved promotional strategy, understanding your brand from the inside out is essential to creating a successful marketing strategy that is right for you. Consider the type of services, content or merchandise you want to offer and the use for what you are providing as well. The more knowledgeable you are of your own brand and business, the easier it will be to reach any intended audience.

Consider Your Audience

Knowing who your audience is allows you to easily create the proper promotional and marketing strategy to appeal to them. When you have a clear idea and focus of the age group you are targeting, the gender and even the interests or hobbies your audience has, it becomes simple to develop strategies that are the most suitable to reach them. Understanding your audience allows you to truly assess their needs and desires when it comes to your brand, helping you to deliver what is in demand.

Utilizing Promotional Products

Another way to help with developing a proper marketing and promotional strategy is to actually give away promotional products. Although it is possible to sell promotional products once your brand is higher in demand, giving the items away to potential business partners, customers and associates will help to contribute to the buzz that surrounds your company and your overall popularity. Using promotional products can be done on your website, locally and even at events or conferences that you choose to attend. Promotional products range from customized pens and pads of paper to fun objects such as piggy banks and mouse pads.

Putting Social Media to Use

When you are trying to boost any type of business, brand or website, utilizing social media is another key factor in finding success, especially when you want to grow your business online. Using social media can be done without the investment of traditional marketing and advertising and often gives you the chance to expand your audience outside of local and regional borders. Social media is a way to intensify your online presence while having the ability to instantly update your online followers, clients and those who are genuinely interested in your brand and what you have to offer.

Social media is free to use for most businesses and is a gateway into promoting the type of services or products you have to offer at any time without waiting for a print ad to run or a new marketing quarter. If you choose to use social media, you can also promote your brand by giving away promotional products, hosting contests or even hosting exclusive contests that require users to virtually “like” or “share” your content before being qualified to enter.

Consistency is Key

A major factor in developing a promotional strategy that works and is successful online requires you to consistently update and to be as dedicated as possible to your brand. Updating your social media pages and website each day consistently will not only help to attract buzz to your brand, but it will also allow you to prove you genuinely care about your audience and those who enjoy your products or services. It is also important to communicate openly and consistently online with your clients and customers to keep a positive reputation during your promotional and marketing campaigns.

Brenda Panin is a bloger and a regular contributor to several marketing blogs. Brenda is currently a web content writer for Pen Australia. In her free time she writes about new marketing strategies and simple ways to improve your business.

Image courtesy lululemon athletica
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1 Comment

  1. Nice article. Promotional products are practical marketing tool. There are a lot of items to choose from nowadays, it is important to choose an item that is useful for your customers. It will not only promote your brand but it will also make your customers feel valued and appreciated.

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