12 Inappropriate Things To Do With Office Equipment

12 Inappropriate Things to do with Office EquipmentTypical office equipment like printers, photocopiers and telephones are often rather expensive – however, not everybody respects the working environment around them.

In fact, some people like to cure their office boredom by making use of the equipment at their disposal to develop their very own bespoke piece of entertainment.

It is these inappropriate uses of office equipment that has inspired this very blog post. So, in a way, we are thankful to these wholly improper actions. Introducing 12 Inappropriate Things To Do With Office Equipment. Enjoy.

1. Spam post-it notes
Post-it notes are principally used to create visual reminders for certain tasks that you plan to carry out during your working day. However, as you can tell from this particular image, they can also make for a great way to wind-up a colleague by obliterating their desk in the colorfully-decorated pieces of paper.

2. Create a photocopy of yourself
When it comes to inappropriate office behavior, it doesn’t get much more inappropriate than this. Using a photocopier – typically used to replicate important documents for back-up and storage purposes – to create an unflattering image of a body part. Just don’t tell your photocopier rental people – they won’t be too pleased.

3. Tamper with office chairs
If someone is especially keen on lying back on their flexible office chair, there’s always a chance they could leave themselves vulnerable to this exploit. Unscrewing a part of the chair could lead to this very unfortunate yet amusing situation.

4. Make a tear-off flyer
These easy-to-create flyers have become an online phenomenon as office workers attempt to develop new and inventive ways of creating tear-offs that will seek the attention of their co-workers – or even the general public. Anything to waste away the hours in the office, hey?

5. Switch around someone’s PC monitor
If you have the time to do so, and providing that all of the monitors in your office are the same, you could be tempted to switch around someone’s screen when they’re absent from the desk. It should serve to puzzle them for a while at least as they furiously push their mouse back and forth in disbelief.

6. Sabotage a keyboard
If you really fancy grinding a co-worker’s productivity to a halt then you can attempt to sabotage their keyboard. The more creative the better here – perhaps you could dismantle the keys and rearrange them in different places. Or even, like this lovely example demonstrates, grow some cress in between the keys to produce your very own keyboard garden.

7. Restrict a phone with elastic bands
An office telephone is a vital part of business communication so restricting access to any outbound calls by attaching a number of rubber bands to the device will certainly be very infuriating for the recipient!

8. Hide a stapler in jelly
Popularized by a certain sitcom television program, this office “prank” is sure to crack-up the rest of your colleagues – just don’t be expecting the recipient to eat his or her way out of the jelly. Which is a shame really because you’re wasting some perfectly good jelly.

9. Link paperclips
This particular office pastime is fairly straight forward to carry out but can still act as a fine way to confuse co-workers. Simply link up all the paperclips in someone’s drawer and watch on as they proceed to pull out a whole chain of clips rather than just the one they intended to.

10. Create a ball of rubber bands
Still have some rubber bands lying around after pinning down that telephone? How about building your very own rubber band ball? The more rubber bands you collect, the bigger and more rotund your ball gets.

11. Customize the photocopier’s display message
On most office photocopiers, owners have the ability to change and customize their very own display message on the small screen display. If you can think of something witty enough (how about “Out of Order”?), then go for it!

12. Install the “blue screen of death” as a screen saver
Even tech giants Microsoft like to do inappropriate things sometimes – like offering users the opportunity their infamous “blue screen of death” as a screen saver download. The little rascals.

384100_10150345423891012_1443922179_nMatthew Wood – is an accomplished and experienced content writer who has contributed to a number of highly respected publications.

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  1. These are very necessary things which you have given in above list about those we should taking more care while working in office. most people take these lightly but some times we have to face big lose due to ignore these things specialy when we don’t care about office equipment like copiers, printers and telephone. you have given very useful knowledge about this. very informative post.

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