When is ​it Appropriate to Fa​cebook Friend a Busi​ness Associate?​

fbHow do you use Facebook? Do you keep your personal page personal, while conducting business on your business page or are you friends with personal and business contacts? How do you judge where to draw the line? These are some smart business suggestions from trusted marketers who are setting a great example.

It’s always best to look at the person’s profile first. If it appears they use it strictly personally I would never send them a request unless you’ve established a friendship beyond your work. With that said though many business owners, especially online business owners (like me) use their private profile for networking. I’m active in many Facebook groups and tend to friend a lot of clients, potential clients, vendors, and possible service providers with my profile. It allows me to network with them beyond what goes on my page.

It’s easy to tell the difference by what is posted and how much is posted. For me you see a lot of public updates about my life and business, if you see a page that is extremely private and there are no public updates avoid putting them in an uncomfortable position and just stick to communicating with them through their page.

-Stacey Harris, RockStarGuidetoFacebookMarketing.com

I love that Stacey brings up the point about being active in private Facebook groups, this is an often untapped network possibility that one may not participate in if they are set on using their profile for personal use only.

Mari Smith, the Queen of Facebook marketing also had some excellent suggestions when I spoke with her:

Note the important point brought up about using Facebook’s filters to post updates to certain groups of people. Doing this allows you to use Facebook both for personal and business.

How do you use Facebook?

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