Talk about a high-profile collection of amazing podcasts! John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing has been publishing podcasts since 2005 and “The Five Most Engaging Podcasts of 2011” contains some absurdly educational info from the biggest names of entrepreneurs, marketers and authors.
These five podcasts are all too great to leave one out, so here are all five!
1) Anything You Want
Derek Sivers, founder of CD Baby, and author of Anything You Want (When you buy any version of the book you can get 200 musical downloads as a gift from Derek). Sivers offers 40 pieces of advice that all business owners or entrepreneurs should and need to hear.
2) The New New New Rules of Marketing and PR
David Meerman Scott, author of The New Rules of Marketing and PR, with now three editions of updated rules of marketing speaks about his newest version of his best-selling book. Now covering social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases and viral marketing.
3) 5 Google Plus Tips and Chris Brogan
Chris Brogan, founder of Human Business Works, gives his top five tips to maximize your exposure using the newest social network, Google+. He also goes over the basics of the network, the positives and negatives and why he has moved his networking primarily to Google Plus.
4) 5 Types of Content That Every Business Must Employ
Jantsch’s own podcast, covers five different types of content that every business model should contain – with point by point details. These different content elements are all important in marketing, one as important as the next, to create complete and well rounded content.
5) Understanding the Most Fundamental Shift in Marketing
Another of Jantsch’s, The Marketing Hourglass, explanation makes understanding marketing extremely simple. He provides an image of an hourglass with blank lines in “know, like, trust, try, buy, repeat, refer” fields, where business owners fill in the lines with products, services, processes and campaigns. This exercise helps marketing become more understandable and effortless.
Do you have a favorite small business related podcast? Please share!
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