Brand Your Office Space to Match Your Business

vcWhen you walk into someone’s home for the first time you immediately get a feel for the type of person they are, whether that be chilled out and slightly messy or extremely organized and a bit of a cleaning addict.

The same can also be said for office spaces, potential customers and clients will form an impression the minute that they enter your workplace.

So, you have taken the time to create a solid brand known to both your target audience and colleagues. Your brand communications are consistent, your message is clear, and you have created an image that people associate with your brand. Through lots of hard work and patience, you have built up a glowing reputation and have become the go to business in your industry.  But you may have missed one small thing, branding your work environment.  If a client comes to your office for the first time, they walk in to a bog standard room with 4 plain walls, a couple of desks and a chair; they won’t feel an impact from your business, even if you are the best in your industry.

Ask your employees for input

Your company’s brand is a lot more than just a logo; it’s your staff members too. When designing your office space it’s important to understand what your employees needs are and how they like to work. By asking all of your staff members you will get a better idea of how everyone sees your business. You should embrace these views and needs during the design process.

Utilize your office location for design inspiration

The location of your office can be a great source of design inspiration, if you are based in the mountains try and incorporate something along the lines of a mountain sketch, if you are based in the city you could possibly incorporate montages of the city where your office is based.

Create a suitable vibe

Through previous market research you will have gained a deeper understanding of the type of customer that your business attracts and the personality that they put across. By identifying the ideal vibe for your target audience, you can amplify it in your office décor, you can help your staff stay ‘on brand’ and in touch with your clients, plus it will also make your office a more personalized work environment.

Make use of existing office features

Your office space may already have numerous features that can be transformed into perfect branding fixtures. Using natural light you can enhance features. For offices that are a bit darker, you may want to experiment with brighter colors, or mirrors, this will add an element of elegance and charm to an otherwise bland office space.

Use the color scheme from your logo or website

When branding an office, you should use the colors from your logo and any accent colors from your business website on the walls of your office space; this will create a cohesive message that clients will identify your business with straight away. You can also use accent colors for any soft furnishings and chairs.


Be as creative as possible

This is probably the biggest factor in defining your brand, do you want a creative and inspiring office space, or something a bit safer but probably more boring?. You should try and do something creative with your office, something that your competitors haven’t done. For example, cubicles in rows are a thing of the past. You should pick a different layout and design, one that looks inspired and thought about. Having a creative office space will prove to your visitors that you are willing to think outside the box and generate new, innovative ideas.

This article is brought to you by Quayside Estates, specialists in providing bespoke property solutions for businesses such as office space, warehouses, for all types of businesses. Image Courtesy Mo Riza

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  1. Its really important to have perfect interiors for your office these days as they are important to put a long lasting impression on our clients and make your employees comfortable as well.
    Thumbs up..!!!

  2. Wow, it was interesting to read. It’s great that you mentioned natural light. Did you know that natural light makes people much more productive and improves their mood? While a space where there is a lack of light can reduce the efficiency of their work and even be a cause of stress.

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