The Vine: Twitters New Micro-Video App

Twitter’s new App for iOS devices is all a Twitter (no pun intended)!  The Vine is a micro-video recording and sharing app that makes creating a creative and fun video easy. This clip talks about what Vine is, how to use Vine, and shows examples of Vine in action. Below is a small sample of what people are saying about Vine. What do you think about Vine, have you tried it?

The Vine: Twitter’s New Micro-Video App

Twitter’s new App for iOS devices is all of the buzz. The Vine is a micro-video recording and sharing app that makes creating a creative and fun video easy. This clip talks about what Vine is, how to use Vine, and shows examples of Vine in action.

Storified by Sm Biz Do It Better· Wed, Jan 30 2013 10:47:04

Talking about #vine right now #SBDIB #sharktankSm Biz Do It Better
Ok I just joined #Vine and I think it’s so fun!Jessica Green
I highly recommend the app #Vine! It’s a mixture of snap chat (without the time), Instagram but with videos. It’s awesome! Follow me!Allen Skoranski
Also, can you tell a story in 6 seconds? #vineLori Kersey
Hmm, I’ve been avoiding #vine but its actually kind of awesome.Mike Beaumont
Everyone get an app called #Vine it’s a hitClint Caso
Should I be surprised that only a handful of my peeps on Twitter are on Carter
Really diggin this #vine Gleason
@smbizdoitbetter I am loving vine…JessicaLynnOriginal
This #Vine thing looks pretty awesome @TwitterNew Heights Comms
Note to self: Must get the new #Vine app and post awesome videos of my chaotic life.Brianne Richards
The Vine: Twitter’s New Micro-Video App – Small Businesses Do It BetterTwitter’s new App for iOS devices is all a Twitter (no pun intended)! The Vine is a micro-video recording and sharing app that makes creating a creative and fun video easy. This clip talks about what Vine is, how to use Vine, and shows examples of Vine in action.

vine app featured on small businesses do it better


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