What Startups can Learn from Instagram’s Rapid Growth

instagramIn October 2010, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger launched their online service called Instagram. For those who don’t know (if any), the app is used for online photo or video sharing and social networking. Instagram gained popularity quite fast and just 2 years later it was sold to Facebook for US$1 billion in cash and stock. Such success is something any new business owner is dreaming of. If that is the case, be sure to check out a couple of strategies that Instagram creators used while designing it. No matter how big your ambitions are or what your field of business you are in, there are a few of these strategies you can try to apply while in the process of starting your own company.

Less is More

One of the reasons Instagram became so popular is its simplicity. While most of the other photo-sharing services are dominated by comment sections and adds, Instagram puts the entire focus on the uploaded photo. Its interface is well-organized, neat and simple. It is nice to have a beautiful design and interesting features, but having too many options may have a negative effect.

If Instagram had offered too many options they would actually take away that specific goal people have in mind when they choose this service – looking at photos. So no matter what your field of business is, try thinking of one feature your company should focus on and don’t mix it with any other features. Make sure your customers’ attention is always fixed on one thing at a time.

Start Small

Instagram creators did not want to make a boom following the service’s release. They started small and left enough room for some iterative improvements. They adjusted Instagram according to the reviews the service got at the beginning. This is something anyone who wants to start up a business should consider doing. You do not want to spend too much time and money on a product no one wants or services no one needs. The best thing you can do is to launch it as MVP. This technique will allow you to test the market and possibly make some adjustments in order to make your business more appealing to the needs of the consumers. Make an explainer video that sums up what your business is all about and keep an eye out for the reactions. Alternatively, manually carry out your product’s functions to show consumers what your business is all about.

Meet Your Customers’ Needs

Another reason why Instagram gained so much popularity is the fact that it helps its users look more creative. The photo filters that this app has make the users’ pictures look more beautiful and unordinary. People can also share their works of art with their friends. So, what you as a new business founder should learn from this is that you should focus mostly on your customers. Think of the ways you can make them happier and keen on choosing your business. Make sure your customers always feel special and that your product makes them look good. So, adjust your product or services towards them and your business will definitely turn out to be a success. If you are not sure how to do this you can seek out business advice from professionals. They will give you their opinion on the matter and help you improve the quality of your product or service.

Instagram would not be where it is today if it did not follow the strategies listed above. People at Instagram know exactly what makes them so special and they are sticking to it. There is something that can be learned from that. Follow their example and you are sure to do well.

This post was contributed by Oscar Waterworth | twitter | facebook

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