Wreck-a-Mend Small Business Profile

wreck-a-mend auto bodyWreck-a-Mend Auto Body

Owner/Founder: Ty & Michelle Grant
Website: www.wreckamend.biz 
Facebook Page


Q. Tell us about the evolution of your business. Where did you start in growing your business and how did the business that we see today come to be?

Ty started out in High school in “diversified occupation course”, they placed him in a local body shop. He started out cleaning the shop, auto detailing, sanding etc… He followed his love and devotion with  automobiles and turned his after school part time job into a full time career.

Ty started out working by himself, doing light collision repair and restoration work (classic automobile). As he got busier and worn out from working 12-14 hour days he hired a body man to help out, now we have 2 Auto body tech’s a painter and Michelle in the office. Ty mostly manages the shop, does Mobile estimate’s and helps with pick up and delivery.

Q. How many employees do you have and how did you come about finding them?

Ty, Myself, 2 auto Body techs a painter and a helper; six total. All of our employees are are techs that Ty had worked with throughout the years.

Q. Who are your clients and why do they work with you?

Our clients are mostly in the greater Snoqualmie Valley. We have some that we have been working with for years that still bring their cars to us from Seattle, Gig Harbor, Kent, Arlington. Most of our customers are referrals from past customers. We have a few fleet accounts with construction companies. We try to have a personal touch to our work, our customers are never happy to have been in an accident, weather it was their fault or someone else’s, but they are always happy with the end result.

Q. What are some of the out-of-the box ways you market your business?

We don’t do too much advertising,  but we do support many local events, schools fundraisers, etc. Most of our marketing and networking is on Facebook.

Q. What advice would you give to someone looking at or just getting into your type of business?

It really helps to have seasoned employees who have been in the line of work for a long time, they add so much to the buisness, they now what they are doing and can add new ideas.

Q. Where do you see your business in 5 years?

We have grown to a great size, I don’t see us expanding (size-wise) any more but I expect to be doing a lot of the same things, we are always learning as the industry changes. We purchased some new equipment in 2011 so we will be utilizing that, and hopefully just keeping our customers happy!

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