Barbara Corcoran (Ep. 52)

sbdib52thumbBarbara Corcoran, investor on Shark Tank and Entrepreneur, joins Carissa on the Small Businesses Do It Better Show. Barbara talk about the importance of a company’s branding, what makes a good Entrepreneur, and why “fun” should be incorporated into you business.
We learn what trends in business Barbara thinks will take off and when the “right” time is to expand a business. Barbara also shares some tips for those applying to be on Shark Tank, some behind the scenes insights and a hilarious story about another shark.

Links mentioned in this episode include:
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Barbara on Twitter: @BarbaraCorcoran
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Barbara Corcoran on Stealing the Market Barbara Corcoran on Building a Brand

Barbara Corcoran on Creativity Barbara Corcoran on Fun Outside of the Office

Barbara Corcoran on your business brand Barbara Corcoran on Fun in Business

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  1. That was a really good interview! Very insightful. A lot of the points she made for what makes a good entrepreneur apply to most things in life. Tenacity and judgement can get you everywhere in almost everything. School, life etc.

    I work with a small business magazine that did an interview with Mark Cuban. Barbara looks like she would make another fantastic interview. I’m going to see if I can get them to contact her.
    Rick recently posted..Top 5 Interview BlundersMy Profile

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  1. » 5 Reasons To Stop Checking Facebook At Work :)
  2. Barbara Corcoran Shares Secrets of Success « Graphic Recording, Graphic Facilitation, Visual Note Taking – See In Colors
  3. What Shark Tank can Teach you About NegotiationsSmall Businesses Do It Better

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