Build Your Brand and Market with Social Media (Ep. 50)

Carissa interviews Timothy Carter, Social Media Specialist and Brand Builder for Small Businesses.  Timothy shares his advice on  which social media networks small businesses should participate in, and why.  He also shares how to best take your online acquaintances and turn them into offline business collaborations or clients. Timothy gives his honest opinion on which social networks are the best time investment and where social media networks are headed.

Small Businesses Do It Better Custom Stamp by Jessica Lynn OriginalsThis episode also features Jessica Lynn Original custom rubber stamps! JessicaLynnOriginal, LLC produces professional and quality custom rubber stamps for hand crafting. All of their items are produced within the United States, are eco-friendly, and they recycle all of the drawing paper and products in an effort for caring for our planet.

Links mentioned in this episode include:
Subscribe to SBDIB show on iTunes
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Enter to WIN: Get your product featured on the show in March!
Timothy on Twitter: @TimothyCarter

This week’s weekly Twitter hashtag is #aHAmoment
Tweet what your businesses Ah ha! moment was – whether it be a client you landed, a new product or service launched, or an idea that set you apart. #aHAmoment tweets will be talked about on next weeks show!

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