Mari Smith (Ep. 53)

Mari Smith on Small Businesses Do It BetterMari Smith, THE Facebook Queen and social media marketing expert talks about how she got started in business and how she grew the empire she has today. Mari gives her advice on how to best use time while marketing on social media, how to utilize both your personal and business Facebook page to grow your network, and explains her thoughts on email list building versus getting Facebook likes.

Mari also gives some golden tips on running a DIY Facebook ad campaign, shares her thoughts on the percentage of fans who see your updates, and gives her insights on the future of social media, including Facebook and Google Plus.

Links mentioned in this episode include:
Subscribe to SBDIB show on iTunes
The UPS Store
Get your own Live Stream with
Mari on Twitter: @MariSmith
Mari on Facebook
Partner with Mari
Cindy Ratzlaff – @BrandYou
Simply Zesty Facebook study

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  1. Wowsers! Mari Smith? You are on a role, girl. Congrats on all these high profile awesome guests. This one was chalkful of great tips and resources. Mari is so easy going and smart – don’t know how she keeps up with it all. Thank you for continuing to create these shows which just get better and better. So so excited for your future!!

  2. I’ve heard of Mari on FB but but have never listened to her speak. I like how she said to buy a domain like “partnerwithxyz” such a great idea. I’m putting together my affiliate program and I am following her advice. Thanks girl for putting this together.

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