Talking AdSense, Twitter, and Google, with Joel Comm

Joel Comm on Small Businesses Do It BetterJoel Comm, Entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author shares his insights on Twitter, AdSense, Google, making money online and social media. Joel describes the differences between Google AdSense and AdWords and how they can both be of benefit.  We learn some important facts about AdSense, which helps makes sense of it in an understandable way. Joel also discusses how to interact on Twitter as if it were the “water cooler”, which naturally creates a following, and we learn Joel’s opinion on how Google’s algorithm updates affect websites.

This episode also features Graphic Springs, a simple and intuitive web app that allows users to design their own professional looking logo in minutes.

Links mentioned in this episode include:
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Cascade Valley Designs
Google Virtual Tour Example (Joel’s Mom’s website)
Google AdSense
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