The Benefits of Moving Your Business to the Cloud

With the growth of computing capabilities, it’s only natural that companies look for more efficient and reliable ways to store and operate their data. Only a few years ago, cloud computing took the initiative to take care of user data. And now the difference is obvious – no need to bother about infrastructure, software updates – the cloud successfully covers all the technical aspects.

The technology behind cloud computing explained

The Cloud is commonly talked about, but only a few can explain it technically. The majority of users implement this technology without actually thinking about how it works. Currently, cloud infrastructures operate through server datacenters and virtualization technologies. The concept of cloud presupposes a grid of computers that serve as a service-oriented architecture to give access to software and data.
The majority of cloud platforms use back-end and front-end layers. When you use any software, you interact only with a front-end layer, while back-end manages hardware and software architecture from inside. One thing is certain – cloud computing significantly changes the way we use computers. It’s no longer necessary to depend on your personal hardware. And it’s no longer considered strange to store your files in the web.

With cloud capabilities being so strong, it’s only natural to presume how strong its benefits are. Over 90% of UK businesses use at least one cloud service. Companies are looking for easier ways to deal with data and make every single benefit work for them.

Cloud computing benefits for businesses

1) More flexible collaboration enabled

Working on team projects is usually tough, especially when team members work from different locations. But when they can share access to all the necessary files, whether they sit in a different room or somewhere overseas, it helps to get more things done faster and better. It also means that they can edit documents in real time and have full visibility of the collaboration process.
The only vital condition for them to collaborate is an internet connection. Even the device has ceased to be a problem as the majority of cloud providers offer well-performing mobile apps. As the number of digital nomads and remote teams grows, having a solution that lets them collaborate despite geographic location or other factors is a true value for modern businesses. Actually, cloud computing is a way for a business to adjust its processes to modern trends.


2) Data always safe, always at hand

System outage, lost files or security breaches can all seriously damage your business. Sensitive data loss should be avoided at all costs. Cloud computing gives you more control over your data, enabling you to access your files from any computer, even if your own machine has broken down.
In addition, it’s much easier to restore your lost data in the cloud. Since a lot of users might have access to your information and someone can accidentally delete the files, cloud providers always offer backup recovery solutions to avoid risks and any related headaches.

3) Increased agility creates new business models

Access to the necessary information anytime usually shortens project lifecycles and makes the teams more agile. This gives you a good competitive advantage to deliver faster and more effective results. Using and combining cloud services will also bring new innovative business models into your company. A large percentage of small and medium size companies create completely new business models on the basis of the cloud solutions they implement.

4) Reduced cost

Cloud computing can significantly reduce the cost of managing and maintaining your IT systems. At a glance, the cloud will eliminate the cost of system updates and hardware purchases. It will no longer be necessary to pay wages to data storage and data management experts. As mentioned earlier, cloud solutions are expected to cause fewer delays related to data transfer and flexibility of staff. Automatic software updates will also eliminate the need to continuously maintain system and security.


5) Full control over your information

Huge piles of data require constant control. Without the cloud, team members had to send files as email attachments. It usually resulted in a mess and confusion. Upon migration to the cloud, all the files are stored in a location where everyone can access, modify and save them. As a result, fewer operational issues occur and teams can focus on things that really matter. Account holders can also set different access options for different groups of people.
And now let’s compare these benefits to what companies are expecting the most from cloud computing:
moving business to the cloud

Will cloud make a change for you?

Is your company ready for these benefits? Often, it might be required to change a business model completely to integrate cloud solutions. What are your 5 biggest expectations from cloud computing? We would really like to learn about this in the comments.

Beata GREEN is Director of HeadChannel Ltd., London based bespoke software development company. She is responsible for overall strategic direction and overseeing the company’s continuing growth, building closer client relationships and maintaining best working practices. She enjoys brisk country walks with her red fox labrador and then relaxing in front of a TV crime drama with a glass of red wine.

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