Company Headquarters: The 3 Safest Cities To Do Business In

As the owner of a business, the safety of your employees, out-of-town visitors, investors and partners is of utmost importance. While crime can happen anywhere and at any time, there are some particular places that are safer than others. Consider these three safe cities to establish and conduct your business.

Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is a small city of about 30,000 people. It has one of the lowest violent crime rates in the nation, with just 0.07 violent crimes per 1,000 people. Safety experts have ranked the community as the second-safest city in the nation. Your employees will feel confident when walking to a diner for lunch or going out to their cars in the parking lot late at night if you set up business here. Located just 25 miles from Knoxville, Oak Ridge offers convenient transportation and excellent neighborhood watch programs.

Weston, Massachusetts

Weston, Massachusetts, ranks as one of the top ten safest cities in the USA. The violent crime rate is 0.00 per 1,000 people. The community has an effective emergency training and response system. The 12,000 residents are regularly trained and updated on shelter procedures. When setting up business here, be sure to consult with civil engineers about building plans. The building plans will make it easier for your employees to stay safe in case of another terrorist attack in Boston, such as the bombing at the Boston Marathon. Look to the professional opinions of professionals, like those with an online civil engineering master degree, for implementing key safety policies at your workplace.


New Castle Town, New York

The bedroom community of New Castle Town, New York, is a wise alternative for locating your business if you were originally drawn to New York City. The city is home to about 18,000 people, and has a crime rate of just 3.00 per 1,000 for property crimes and just 0.11 violent crimes per 1,000 people. This community has heavily invested in key infrastructure, ensuring safety for drivers and pedestrians. It has also taken the time to carefully preserve historical buildings, working with professionals to ensure their structural integrity while maintaining the beautiful original finishes.

Of course when it comes to choosing or moving a company headquarters, there’s more to it than just the prime location. You also have to take into consideration the expenses associated with moving your employees, or if you want to hire a new workforce wherever you choose to relocate. There are expenses such as relocation costs that are associated with moving your employees, and you run the risk of not every employee being willing to move. However, if you decide to hire a new workforce you may have to deal with the difficult decision of layoffs. There is no one perfect answer, it simply takes you viewing your company and the needs of the company and employees and making the best decision possible for both.

Each of these three cities has a low crime rate against both people and property. In addition to setting up your business in one of these locations, you can also offer safety training courses to your staff. Consider bringing in a self-defense expert and offering regular sessions on helping your employees to be vigilant, identify and report possible crimes.

Emma is a freelance writer currently living in Boston, MA. She writes most often on education and business. To see more from Emma, say hi on Twitter @EmmaSturgis2

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